
Wednesday, November 15, 2006


A really sexy babe!
Crazy woman!
And I mean CRAZY!
When she is bored and online,
I have to entertain her by updating my blog.
I just did a whole chunk yesterday.
See it for yourself!
there you go, lady!
Something just for you!

Isn't she cute?

Pretty eh!

That's why, I like her so much!

She is such an *angel*(read as lovely monster).

I am so greatful for having gotten to know her.

We seriously do nonsense together!

But, when it comes to work, we are straight!

But when it comes to songs, we go ga-ga!!

Love you, sexay!

Now, since I am here to blog, I was thinking, why not just put up something for the day. There is this poem (fine! it is not a poem! just words put together, alright!) I wrote a pretty long time back. For fun! Hehe! I was waiting for a good time to put it up. But, that time does not seem to arrive any sooner. So, here you go, people!

I love you, yes I do
But what should I do?

You are my breath
Don’t take it away
You are my sun
Don’t take it away
You are my heartbeat
Don’t take it away
You are my eyes
Don’t take them away
You are my bones
Don’t take them away
You are my blood
Don’t take it away
You are my nerves
Don’t take them away
You are my world
Don’t take it away

You are my life
You are my love
You are my all

I breathe your breath
I smell your smell
I hear your sound
I see your sight
I feel your touch
I like your likes
I live your life

You are my life
You are my love
You are my all

I respect you
I look up to you
I admire you
I adore you
I depend on you

I wish you well
I wish you best
I wish you had never
Started that habit
I am happy now
You have given it a thought

You are my life
You are my love
You are my all

I love you, yes I do
But, what should I do?

uyir vida sonnaal uyir vidukindren...unai vida sonaal unai vida maaten!


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