
Thursday, May 19, 2011

I am turning 20. Twenty. Look at that number. 20. Does it look familiar or different? Vague. 'Cos I don't know what to do. I was supposed to have achieved something by now. Look at me. =) I'm just being me and always will be.

Still not too sure if it is okay to ask for more time to figure myself out and find meaning in life (which I think is utterly important and not a waste of time).

It's time to sort a lot of things out. Put them in black and white so that I have something to refer to as and when I feel like I am losing my way. This is important to me. I want to do it all alone and in peace and be very sure of what I need and want. I even want to figure what good I want to give to people I love and don't.

This is it. There is no more time to waste 'cos people grow up so fast these days. So fast. It's time to be independent. I may need about a day to start reflecting, but that's okay. If I cannot do it on a significant day like my birthday, it's okay. I'll do it the day after. =) But, I will do it.

People, please respect and love and these will bring you smiles and happiness.


Loving you. Loving me.


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