
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dirty Green

Friday nights are just the best, aren't they, Priya? Last Fri, Priya and I went down to Ubi Crescent to attent TANTRA INC's new office launch at Number One Building. Trust me, the office was so goddamn homely. It was painted with warm colours and dim lights that were so beautiful! Deco was awesome too. All the photo frames and paintings and deco lights and statues and candles and all. Ooo. Lovely. Wish I had a home like that. Congrats, Tantra! On your lovely new office. Hope you guys achieve much much more than you already have and scale to greater heights with blessings from God forever! Even the toilet was beautiful. I love the door la. Haha!

Well, met many people. Mainly actors and singers and dancers and crew from Vasantham Central. All those who've helped Tantra in a way or another. And guess who we met there?

Of course our dearest CHANDIRAMOGAN and BHAI! Trust me, Chan and Bhai were the only people we were so comfortable with hanging around! We know them more than we know anyone else who'd been there! Well, had a very very small photo session. But, Couldn't get all the photos uploaded into my computer. So, have only one up here. Chan and I. I think the picture turned out to be oh-so-lovelyyyy! I simply fell for the colour combi of the pic. And I thought I looked great in it. Sheesh! I know. I'm so thick-skinned! Anyway...

I think Chan is the best man (besides my DAD, of course) I've met in my life. Inspiring in all aspects. In what way, particularly, I'm not sure. But, definitely, he's my love. =D I think he's just so cool! Show me a guy who's got a voice like him, a talent like him, a charm like him, I'll fall on his feet. He's one in a gazillion. Every word I have with him, is honey to my ears. Every minute I spend with him, I treasure like my life. He means that much to me.

I'm just in love!


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