
Monday, October 06, 2008

Who do I love?

You know what is meant by the best trio?

Let me tell you...



SP Balasubramaniyam

கைக‌ள் இடை த‌ன்னில் நெளிகையில்
இடைவெளி குறைகையில்
எரியும் விள‌க்கு சிரித்து க‌ண்க‌ள் மூடும்

ஆடும் இலைக‌ளில் வ‌ழிகிற‌
நில‌வொளி இருவிழி
ம‌ழையில் ந‌னைந்து ம‌கிழும் வான‌ம்பாடி

I need to blog...

about something very important to me in life.

Shall I let you guess? Or will you give up?

What's the best thing I can get in life?

Music. The passion for singing. The respect for him.

Do you know how much of a difference something can make in your life, when you least expect it? When you could have never ever thought about it? Why should this happen to me? Am I special? Maybe I am, but why me?