
Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Merry Christmas!!

Wee! Me, Pradeep, Kenga, Keetha, Malene, Raj all went down to Thalai Suren's house for christmas! And, had a great time! Great Mum, great food, great artefacts, sweet home!! Thanks Suren! Merry Merry Christmas y'all! Photos!

The gorgeous star on Suren's Xmas treeeeeeeeeeeee!

Me! With Mr Lovely Painting. I love myself cos I think I look cool! LOL!!!

Kengatree. Ha!

Me! His tree was really pretty pretty!

Keetha, Kenga. Pose pose...

Suren's doorstep. Like some cottage house. Nice right??

Them again

My love

*shing shing* Smileeeee! *shing shing*

The babes with the BABE!! His mom la. Pretty woman I say!

Us by the tree

Sexyyyyy! Haha! I love her!

Miss. Kenga Dhevan s/o Yogeswaran...
Disadvantages of hormonal imbalances.

Green Black....

Green Black again.....

Green... WHITE! Haha! Am I mean?
I love Surendraaaaaaa!!

Raj wanted to rape me. He said it!!
I think he looks so handsome, atlast!

I told him! I told him the CONTRAST won't work out!!
See Raj... Now, Pradeep's upset he's too fair.

I know you all love me. But, not until like this la...

Ai Ai! Black black... white white!
I love these people. Really!

My darlings!

I'm in love!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


My New Love, I Swear...

Amazing what his music can do to you...


Saturday, December 13, 2008

இசைச் சுவை

ச‌ங்க‌த்தில் பாடாத‌ க‌விதை
அங்க‌த்தில் யார் த‌ந்த‌து
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ரா

ச‌ந்த‌த்தில் மாறாத‌ ந‌டையோடு
என் முன்னே யார் வ‌ந்த‌து
த‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌
த‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ரா

த‌மிழ்ச்ச‌ங்க‌த்தில் பாடாத‌ க‌விதை
அங்க‌த்தில் யார் த‌ந்த‌து
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ரா

தா நா நா நா ஆ நா நா

ஆ நா நா நா ஆ நா ஆ

கை என்றே செங்காந்த‌ழ் ம‌ல‌ரை
நீ சொன்னால் நான் ந‌ம்ப‌வோ
ஆ ஆ ஆ ஆ
கால் என்றே செவ்வாழை இணைக‌ளை
நீ சொன்னால் நான் ந‌ம்பிவிட‌வோ
மை கொஞ்ச‌ம்
பொய் கொஞ்ச‌ம்
க‌ண்ணுக்குள் நீ கொண்டு வ‌ருவாய்
கால‌த்தால் மூவாத‌ உய‌ர்த‌மிழ்
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ரா

அந்திப்போர் காணாத‌ இள‌மை
ஆட‌ட்டும் என் கைக‌ளில்
சிந்தித்தேன் செந்தூர‌ இத‌ழ்க‌ளில்
சிந்தித் தேன் பாய்கின்ற‌ உற‌வை

அந்திப்போர் காணாத‌ இள‌மை
ஆட‌ட்டும் என் கைக‌ளில்
சிந்தித்தேன் செந்தூர‌ இத‌ழ்க‌ளில்
சிந்தித் தேன் பாய்கின்ற‌ உற‌வை
கொஞ்ச‌ம் தா
கொஞ்ச‌த் தா
க‌ண்ணுக்குள் என்னென்ன‌ ந‌ளின‌ம்
கால‌த்தால் மூவாத‌ உய‌ர்த‌மிழ்
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ரிர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌
ரா ரா ர‌ர ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ரா
ஆடை ஏன் உன் மேனி அழ‌கை
ஆதிக்க‌ம் செய்கின்ற‌து
ஆ ஆ ஆ ஆ
நாளைக்கே ஆன‌ந்த‌ விடுதலை
காண‌ட்டும் காணாத‌ உற‌வில்
கை தொட்டும்
மெய் தொட்டும்
காம‌த்தில் தூங்காத‌ விழியின்
ச‌ந்திப்பில் என்னென்ன ந‌ய‌ந்த‌மிழ்

ச‌ங்க‌த்தில் பாடாத‌ க‌விதை
அங்க‌த்தில் யார் த‌ந்த‌து
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ரா

ச‌ந்த‌த்தில் மாறாத‌ ந‌டையோடு
என் முன்னே யார் வ‌ந்த‌து
த‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌
த‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ரா

த‌மிழ்ச்ச‌ங்க‌த்தில் பாடாத‌ க‌விதை
அங்க‌த்தில் யார் த‌ந்த‌து
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌
தா ரா ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ர‌ர‌ ரா

...More than God...

Friday, December 05, 2008

Looking Back

I was just thinking... Sometimes, I think about how I used to react to things when I was a kid. And I would laugh it off with my dearest brother. Sometimes even going on to make fun of the then myself. Haha. But, the more I do that, the more I tend to fail to reflect on how I HAVE grown to be me now...

I used to be an idiot. Mummy mummy mummy...

Then there was a time I thought life was just not my cup of tea (when I was probably like... haha... 10 yrs old?).

Later, I thought how gifted I was as compared to my friends, becaused I started to realise my hidden talents and come to know in my then social circle, I was the only one.

Then, I kept claiming to myself that life is too short, so I have to enjoy. And this is when I started to doubt the true purpose of STUDYING (not EDUCATION, mind you...).

So, I started hating life. Some teenage emo shit I guess.

And today, (I still do hate studying...) I am a slack-fied loser... and have been inspired much by music. (Now, I WILL NOT entertain people who may come up to me and say that I should never lose my esteem and deem myself a loser cos it will only make me even more a loser than I am right now. I don't give a shit about it, cos I know what I mean by loser.... OK? Ok..)

And right now, I realise I don't make much sense from this post... cos I have no clue why I'm writing this.

But anyway, I don't want to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, blah blah blah... I wanna inspire people. I want to make a difference in people's lives just like he did to mine. I want them to feel worth living. Worth themselves. I want to teach them to breathe and see the colours around them. I don't want to cure people nor save them from the law nor teach them things they are not learning WILLINGLY like me! I want to be myself.

But, how? I have no freaking idea... I have achieved nothing in life, really... And I want my Mom to understand me. That maybe I am different. But, she will never accept me that way.

Do you get my drift? I don't want to waste my time in doing something I don't like... I want to do it my way if it is possible. I mean... why not?? I want to be with people. I want to work with people. I don't want to be part of them.

I just want to make them smile.

I want to MAKE MUSIC! I want people to love my music. I want them to be affected by MY music... MY voice... MY emotions...MY passion. I want them to love me for who I AM...

But, HOW?

God... I feel...

Ok. maybe I'll just shut up and become a teacher.

And, please. I am NOT the usual teenager you expect to be out there emoing about life and crapping away about what she wants. I MEAN this shit... I DO.

Love is not my thing...

Monday, December 01, 2008

Thank you!

Awww. She was sooo sweet!

Went to sing for a show. It was freaking last minute-fied! By Nassir Sir, Rashid's bro... And, had a really great time with our beloved Rani! Oh god. If not for her, I would have been bored to death. And also, to our awesome Pravin whom I never thought would be this nonsensical. Then, our good friends ranjini and kaushik and maran...

Here's the thing. I sang one of my classic 80's song, GERMANIYIN!! And then two other new songs.. All not too bad. Thanks ah Prav for making me laugh just as i was about to wrap up a perfect song! Hah!

Ok. That wasn't the thing. I was waiting to flag a cab... tired and all. And, as i was texting my bro, obviously looking down at my phone, I heard a shrill voice from behind... *are you scared??? no?? Damn!* Haha! The cute voice said, "Congratulations!"(god knows why..) And I looked up to see 2 very sweet grandmas walking up to me... and they said they loved my singing, that i sang very well, that they enjoyed my singing so much that they loved it a lot... I know...repetitive. but that's what they said! I swear! And, they even shook hands with me.... then said "GOD BLESS YOU MA" before they left... all smiling... aww! And all i could say was. oh thank you thank you! Awww... I was really touched and happy and satisfied and... floating! And I felt freaking blessed.... You know, it doesnt matter if it was 2 ppl pout of hundredsss! but still... they were really sweet. I love you, Paattis!! Haha! God bless you with a healthy, wealthy, safe, happy, long life too! Weeeeeee! Dharshini is touched....

And how on earth can I not bring in my lovely Chan!! There was this once we did a show... finished it and were walking out. One old woman came up to him, hugged him... so cute... kissed him on his cheek and held his hands sooo tight to thank him for the beautiful songs (cos we had some really nice old hits) and how much she enjoyed them. She too blessed him and all of us, wishing him the best...

And then chan turned to me and said.... that an entertainer's greatest gift is not fame but the claps and the heartfelt praises he gets. That completes his life.

Well, I agree boss! I so do! I was touched then too! Awwww... how sweet can this world get? Not any more than that I suppose...

How much more can I thank my BOSS??? Only I will know, truly, the difference in me. Awww... I love him! Teehee!!